A couple of weeks ago was the annual Brotherson Campout!! I unfortunately had to work on friday so TJ took Madi and Jace up for a FUN night of camping!! It ended up raining so I didn't get the chance to go and camp but we road up on Sunday for Fathers Day.

Here is Jace in the "Trailer House" they love to get dirty so camping is just their thing!!
Madi cheesing it up for the camera. She can be so shy one minute and then the next a complete showoff!!
Here is Jace and Madi riding the Giraffes. They were having so much fun! Everyone thought they were so cute, I just kept waiting for them to fall off and break their head open but luckily they didn't.Here they are with the 4-Wheeler. Madi got it for her birthday 2 years ago and Jace has absolutely loved being able to ride it. Jace was taking Madi for rides on it...they were having so much fun!! Thank goodness TJ likes to camp and they can apend that time together on the mountain!
Looks like they had fun!! I love camping too. We hope to do a lot of that this summer!!!
camping...? Your kids are too cute! I love them!!
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