Tuesday March 31st Jace turned 2 years old. I can't believe he is already that old!! We finally had time to celebrate his birthday on thursday night. Here he is cheesing it for the camera! He is so CUTE!!
Jace is in love with tractors, so we got him another one. He will not share it with anyone and I think this is as close as he will even let Madi get to it! He won't let it out of his sight.
Madi was feeling a little attention deprived so she had to get in with the present opening.

We had cake and ice cream and invited everyone to come. There was a lot of people in our little front room but it was fun. (if only TJ would buy me a HOUSE!)
Jace sure thought he was big, sitting next to Braxton and trying to eat his cake off of his lap just like Braxton and Grandma Great. After it fell of two times we finally convinced him to sit on the floor to eat it.
Jace sure thought he was big, sitting next to Braxton and trying to eat his cake off of his lap just like Braxton and Grandma Great. After it fell of two times we finally convinced him to sit on the floor to eat it.
Here is a very blurry picture of the cake. It was so cute. TJ picked it up from Costco on his way home from school and it was so yummy! It was chocolate cake with some sort of filling in the middle, really good!
Making a wish and blowing out the candle. We all sang to him but he just cried the whole time. I guess we don't sing all to good!
Another picture of Jace with a present. He just got done saying how heavy it was! He sure had a fun birthday. Thanks for everyone that came to celebrate it with him. I sure missed my family though, maybe next year??!!
Happy Birthday Chub, we sure love you!
You were having a baby the same day I got mariied!
oh my little CUBA CUBS!! I am crying! I cant believe he seriously is two years old! It has gone so fast! Tell him his auntie Jill loves him!
Oh man! I miss you guys. I can't wait to see you all again! By the way, we love those costco cakes, too!
Can you even believe that two years can go by that fast? It seems like a week ago that Jace and Breck were newborns and we had brought both of them to bunco with us. It looks like he had a fun birthday...that is soo cute that he loves his tractors that much! He is so darling!
Now that your baby is 2 it's time to have another. That is the crap I have been getting and mine wont be two until may. They get so big so fast. He is way cute!!!
Looks like Jace had a great birthday!!! He is so adorable!!
The trick: I start sitting the girls in the sink as soon as they have enough hair to do anything with. I do it everyday after they shower, and now it's just second nature to them. They just know that after a bath the sit in the sink and ge their hair done. Sometimes I let Ry play with my makeup brushes to keep her occupied, but for the most part, they just sit there and stare at themselves.
wow Elin, I cannot believe it has been two years already... What a cutie..
Your kids are so cute! I can tell they have awesome personalities too! (Wonder where they get it from???) :)
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