Monday, March 23, 2009

Day At The Park

On Saturday I had the day off and TJ didn't have much work to do so we decided to spend the day with the kids!! Madison had been asking me every Thursday on our way to Dance if we could play at the park in Ephraim. So finally Saturday we packed our picnic lunch and headed down.
This is Madi on the swings, they were to high for her to just swing the right way so she just entertained herself this way!
Jace on the top of his favorite slide! He was a little nervous at first about climbing high and sliding down but he finally got brave and played great the rest of the afternoon!

Madi likes to pose for the camera, I thought this one was cute even though her hair is in her face. She is so brave and not afraid of anything, so much different than Jace!!

Jace Cheesing on the way down. What a nut. They both love to be outside and finally it is getting warm enough we can go and do fun things outside!!

This is them climbing the wall to get to the slides. Jace sometimes can't lift his own weight so I had to be there just in case he exhausted himself!!
We had a very fun day together. TJ and I are hardly ever both home with the kids so they were glad that we both got to be with them all day long!!


Kristen Weller said...

We should have come and played with you! We were flying kites on Saturday by the Snow College football field. I loved that warm weather. Hopefully it comes back soon!

Lora said...

How fun! I am so glad that the weather has been warming up. We miss you and Megan still wants to come stay with you someday!