Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So Sara and Darren finally welcomed Kayson into the world last night!! Congrats and it is about time!! I don't have pictures, I left before he was born, but he weighed 9 lbs, 3 oz, and was 22 1/4 inches long.
Thanks Sara and Darren for letting me be a part of the hospital, I would have honestly stayed the whole time but I didn't want to pass out AGAIN!!
Sara is going to be an awesome mom and Darren an awesome dad. Good luck on the road ahead!! I'll see you on Wednesday! (I will post pics when I get some!!)


Kristen Weller said...

Wow- that's a big baby! I'm excited to see pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything that night el!! i would have been a mess if you weren't there, even though you wouldnt let me hold your hand!! i love you and cant wait to see you on saturday!!

Amanda said...

Elin, Holy cow how time flys. I have been meaning to leave a comment for you. I can't believe you have 2 kids.Where has the time gone. Keep in touch.