Sunday, January 25, 2009

Young Women at Region Drill Team

Thursday night I took a car load of my Young Women girls up to Region Drill in Salem Hills. We left at 4:30 and I didn't get home until midnight! We had a ton of fun. I wanted a group shot but Madi got a hold of my camera and then the battery went dead so this is what I got!!
Whitney and Bailey(Pete) I hate to choose favorites but if I could choose any girl from young womens it would be Whitney! I work with her and I love her!! Pete also works with us and not in our ward but we love to have her come!!

Once again, Madi was taking the pictures so they are very up close and personal!!

This is Sabrina, our newest beehive and Amanda her sister! They rode up with another leader but we all had a fun time together!
The girl on drill team in our ward didn't end up dancing because of injuries, but it was fun to just go and show our school spirit, What little I have!!!

Bailee and Miranda. They are twins and babysit for Madi and Jace. My kids absolutely love them and I do too. They are so different from each other but they always keep us laughing. They remind me of my sisters when they fight over little things! I feel like I am home again! Along with Whitney, I would take these two as my own. They came into Young Womens the same day I did 2 and a half years ago!! I can't believe I have been in that long!! I love these girls and love to be around them! I am one of the luckiest ladies!!!
Here is a picture of Madi. I took her because she loves to watch dances!! She was in absolute heaven the whole time we were there. She doesn't sit still to save her, but the whole night she just sat and watched all 6 schools perform 3 different dances!! What a girl I think that is a record for longest time holding still!!
She loves hanging out with the girls and gets so excited when she sees them different places besides church. They are so good to my kids!! (Well I guess Whitney did loose her while they went to the bathroom together but that doesn't count right?!)

1 comment:

Marc and Amber said...

Hey Elin I went to our region Drill Team down here that weekend too. Are you going to be at State this weekend? Call or text me if you are I'd love to see you again! 435-893-1600